In these unprecedented times, it's crucial to acknowledge the extraordinary awakening that's currently taking place. This transformation has been prophesied by numerous ancient lineages, and we've all been diligently preparing for this very MOMENT.

Yet, while you may be experiencing profound inspiration and a deep connection with the Holy Great Spirit, you and others may also be grappling with vulnerability, hypersensitivity, and feelings of fear and anxiety about the future of our planet and humanity. These emotions stem from a necessary collapse of the old paradigm, and it's vital that we recognize and navigate them with grace and wisdom.

  • In-depth ageless wisdom teachings

  • Two days of integrative live immersion

  • Physical and inner exploration

  • Kundalini and Shakti life force studies

  • Vajrayana path insights

  • Telepathy and light body activation practices.

  • Recorded live event: full workshop recordings upon purchase


As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, it heralds a new consciousness era leading humanity towards a profound union. This journey demands purification, shedding restrictive habits and embracing true telepathy, moving beyond mere mind-reading. By navigating this transformative process, we transcend anxiety and uncertainty, stepping into the boundless potentials of the new paradigm.

This two-day online retreat delves into Ageless Wisdom, offering transformative insights through discourse, transmission, and activation. Dive deep into understanding your awakening, confront life's conflicts, grasp karmic choices, integrate past plant medicine experiences, transition to genuine telepathy, and confront unconscious shadows. Furthermore, delve into atonement, align with creation's source, harness your energy systems, and extensively study Kundalini rising.


What to

In these unprecedented times of awakening, many are experiencing a mix of inspiration and unease, feeling both the connection to the Holy Great Spirit and concern for our planet's future due to the collapsing old paradigm.

I aim to guide you through navigating these intense energies, helping you clear dark influences and find internal harmony. By introducing codes of ethics centered on THE LAW OF HARMLESSNESS, I aspire to ensure your safety and growth in your service field.

Having been deeply immersed in Telepathy, Kundalini, and Inner Bliss for nearly three decades, especially after my transformative encounter with The Living Buddha, I've committed to studying various branches of Ageless Wisdom. Now, I wish to share my insights, sacred practices, and tools to support your journey. My goal is to enhance your inner peace, guiding you beyond duality and towards your Dharmakaya Nature.

Why understanding telepathy & your energy body matters.

We're transitioning into a new era, a Golden Age, amidst what seems like humanity's most degraded state, characterized by consumption, dissatisfaction, and pervasive negative influences. The landscape is filled with distrust and seemingly malevolent agendas.

How can you discern truth, stand firmly in it, and navigate the challenges ahead? The way forward requires discernment, resisting certain influences, and avoiding the pitfalls of misinterpreted New Age thinking.

True telepathy isn't about guessing someone's thoughts. It's a profound transmission from the Soul, whether that's from nature or divine figures. To truly grasp these telepathic messages, we must clear our minds of preconceptions. With purification and genuine telepathic openness, we connect deeper with the divine, unveiling new realities. Through telepathy, and the rising of Kundalini, we align with our purpose, ready to co-create in the upcoming Light Age.

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